WHAT is Monday Morning Mile? →

Monday Morning Mile is a free, community fun run

Monday Morning Mile is a free, community fun run. It takes place on Monday. In the morning. And it’s a mile. It starts bright (or dark) and early at 06:30. Rain or shine. You don’t have to run. It’s an achievement to just show up. But you can run if you want to. And it will do you the world of good. You can also walk, jog, roll, hop, dance, skip…even push a stroller. There’s no cut-off time. You can go as fast or as slow as you like.

Monday Morning Mile is crazy, challenging, and duvet-defyingly badass. But it’s positive, friendly, rewarding, diverse, and inclusive. It doesn’t matter how many legs you’ve got. Everyone is welcome. Bring your dog, alpaca, or tortoise and they’ll love you forever (OK, maybe not the tortoise. When we said there’s no cut off time…)

WHY join Monday Morning Mile? →

Because mindset matters. Everything we do sends out a message

Because mindset matters. Everything we do sends out a message. Not just to others. But to ourselves. Hide under the bedclothes for an extra ten minutes and, like it or not, your brain will interpret that as weakness. “I’m scared to get up. It’s more comfortable to stay where I am.” When you do eventually creep out of bed, you’re starting the day on less than a full tank of confidence. You’re not the best version of yourself.

You may have heard the term ‘bare minimum Monday’. The idea is that, of the seven days that make up the week, six are smiley and friendly. But Monday is a bully. Best to stay home out of its way and not push yourself too hard in case you get hurt. Wow! What kind of message is that sending out to yourself?

Monday Morning Mile takes the opposite, old school approach – that the best way to deal with bullies is to stand up to them. So, rather than retreating into the duvet and having that extra hour lie-in, why not attack the week, get up an hour earlier, and do something hard…take Monday by the scruff of the neck and put it on the back foot? Then go into the office and kick ass!

Monday Morning Mile doesn’t just get you physically fit. It gets you psychologically fit. It guards against cognitive flabbiness and helps prevent mental obesity.

WHEN & WHERE is Monday Morning Mile? →

War Memorial Drive, North Adelaide



The Monday Morning Mile is be a regular event held every Monday at the same time (06:30)


Winter (starting 27 May 2024)
University of Adelaide gym

Summer (date TBD)

It will take place on the“Uni Loop”, a gravel track which winds around
Warnpangga/Park 10.


Park 10, War Memorial Drive,
North Adelaide SA 5006.

Free coffee, showers, and parking will be available on the day at the University of Adelaide Sport clubhouse.

Snooze is for wimps!

Don’t lie in bed and let Monday walk all over you. Get up. Get out. Get going.

“I am a firm believer in fighting fire with fire. When it comes to your personal health, be that physical or mental, take every opportunity to deal with the issue head-on. When you are facing a storm, take the relevant precaution by addressing it by doing some activity, outdoors and with friends. Almost everyone can complete a mile and there is no doubt that having risen to the challenge of Monday Morning Mile you will be better placed to deal with the day ahead.”


(Paul Sinton-Hewitt, Founder of Parkrun)